Post-congress registration deadline: July 31, 2021  EXTENDED TO AUGUST 31, 2021


You can join the conference with your credentials.



Dear Colleagues,

The year 2021 begun with anticipation of light at the end of the tunnel, as we all have experienced the pandemic during the past year. Now, we face the third wave of COVID hitting many European countries. Despite these continuous challenges we will not give up.

We look forward and provide another means to come together as a community. The current situation of the pandemic prevents us from organising the ECMP face to face. Health and safety come first. Therefore, we have made a decision to change the ECMP to an on-line congress.

Now, we are moving fast forward with optimisation of our programme into on-line format, with a robust virtual technical platform. Most importantly, we will cover entirely our planned scientific, educational and professional programme which will now serve an even larger medical physicist community, without borders. Thus, we hope to bring continuation and clarity into our medical physics community during these demanding times. The conference motto has now depth which was not anticipated, but it is as topical as it can be – embracing change, sharing knowledge. We need that, as individual professionals and as a community.

As ECMP organisers, we are happy to see the enduring interest and dedication of European medical physicists which is also shown in the number of abstract submissions – altogether 750 studies! These studies are the forefront of the on-line ECMP scientific content. The abstracts cover all eight main topic areas: radiotherapy, diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine, diagnostic and interventional radiology, radiation protection and dosimetry, biomedical engineering, informatics, professional issues and finally, education and training. The review of the abstracts is in progress by our scientific committee, which will give the basis to finalise the on-line scientific programme with on-demand oral and e-poster presentations.

Importantly, reduced participation fees will apply to the on-line congress:

-       Standard participants € 100,00

-       Students / low income country participants € 60,00

-       Industry participants € 200,00

Congress secretariat Symposium will be in contact with all registered participants, abstract authors and speakers with additional information. All presenters will get clear instructions for live and pre-recorded lectures.

Preparation of ECMP happens on many levels. One important precursory activity is the organization of two warm-up webinars while approaching the on-line ECMP. The first warm-up webinar was already broadcast on-line on 28th of January with the title “AI in Medical Physics”. The topic was chosen to address what we may see today as one of the most prominent gamechangers in our field. This first webinar approached AI from two perspectives: on its professional impact and by looking at the combination of Big Data and AI on enabling predictions of clinical outcome.
The webinar turned out to be great success with fully booked participation and highly positive feedback. In order to respond to the interest on the webinar which grew much higher than the technical platform could allow, the webinar recording was also made available through the
EFOMP e-learning platform for almost 1,000 originally registered participants and other Individual Associate Members. This Spring, we will present another warm-up webinar on a radiotherapy topic. More information about this second webinar will be given later through our social media channels – stay tuned for it!

We would like to remind you that Physica Medica – European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP), will publish a focus issue containing up to 50 selected papers from contributions (oral or poster) from ECMP. The papers will be selected by the guest editors and the new editor-in-chief Prof. Iuliana Toma-Dasu on the basis of the high scientific quality of the presentations. Furthermore, all abstracts accepted for ECMP will be published in a special issue of Physica Medica.

You may find further information on the congress web page ( and the EFOMP web page ( as well as social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) for constant updates.

The Congress Planning Committee and local organisers remain firmly committed to the success of our on-line ECMP. Our focus is to serve the European community of Medical Physics to come together – now virtually, and in future again also in person.

We are looking forward to meeting you on-line in June!

Best wishes,

Mika Kortesniemi, President of ECMP 2020
Paddy Gilligan, President of EFOMP

Embracing change, sharing knowledge.




Dear EFOMP committee members,


I would like to inform you that the President, Mika Kortesniemi and the Congress Planning Committee of the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP 2020) are organising a 2nd warm up webinar on "Proton and Flash Radiotherapy" as a precursor to the Congress, which will take place virtually in June 2021.





Kindly share this information within your societies and network.


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ECMP 2020 welcomes



ECMP warm up webinars

The Congress Planning Committee of the 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics (ECMP2020) is announcing a series of warmup webinars.

More information and registration are available here, and the program webinars here.


Download the 2021 EFOMP calendar at this link.

Read the EFOMP winter newsletter

Don't miss the EFOMP newsletter available at this link.

Read the EFOMP autumn newsletter

Don't miss the EFOMP newsletter available at this link.

EMP News special issue on company members' news at ECMP2020

EMP News, the EFOMP newsletter, will publish a Special Issue dedicated to ECMP2020, reserved for Congress news from EFOMP as well as articles for ECMP2020 from industrial exhibitors. The Special Issue will include Company members' news about their events organized during ECMP2020, and it will be distributed by email just before the Congress, to all registered participants of ECMP2020.

Key deadlines:

15th May 2021: Submission of Company Members' articles to
16h June 2021: Publication date 
Article length: 600 - 1000 words (maximum) + photos + brief Company description

Physica Medica-EJMP ECMP 2020 Focus Issue

Physica Medica - European Journal of Medical Physics (EJMP), will publish in 2021 a Focus Issue containing selected papers from contributions (oral or poster) to ECMP 2020. We plan to publish up to 50 papers in such a Focus Issue. Soon after the Conference, contributing authors - selected by a group of Guest Editors nominated by the Editor-in-Chief- will be invited to send electronically their manuscript via the EJMP website  for the corresponding peer-review process according to the strict evaluation rules of EJMP. The Guest Editors will select the invited papers on the basis of the high scientific quality of the presentations. The group of Guest Editors will be coordinated by the Editor-in-Chief. There will be no page charges for this Focus Issue which will contain regular papers (not Proceedings papers). All papers should not exceed 10000 words.



The congress organizing committee wishes to announce that Spain will be the welcome nation of ECMP 2020. Thank you SEFM for joining the conference, we look forward to welcoming you to Torino.


Conference motto

Embracing change, sharing knowledge: this is the ECMP 2020 motto. A few effective words to describe the conference philosophy.

 Congress Planning Committee

  • Marco Brambilla – CPC chair – EFOMP President
  • Mika Kortesniemi - Past Chair of the EFOMP Scientific Committee
  • Yolanda Prezado - Chair of the EFOMP Scientific Committee
  • Adrian Lammertsmaa - Chair of the EFOMP Education and Training Committee 
  • David Lurie - Vice Chair of the EFOMP Communications and Publications Committee 
  • Jaroslav Ptacek- Secretary General of EFOMP
  • Carlo Cavedon – AIFM Scientific Committee Chair


Scientific Committee

  • Simona Avramova, Bulgaria
  • Marianne Aznar, United Kingdom
  • Dimos Baltas, Germany
  • Kirsten Bolstad, Norway
  • Jens Edmund, Denmark
  • Maurice Janssen, Netherlands
  • Pantelis Karaiskos, Greece
  • Kum Bae Kim, South Korea
  • Irena Koniarova, Czech Republic
  • Mika Kortesniemi, Finland
  • Antonio M. Lallena, Spain
  • Michela Lecchi, Italy
  • Mark Lubberink, Sweden
  • Pietro Mancosu, Italy
  • Josep Mª Marti, Spain
  • Brendan McClean, Ireland
  • Sonia Nielles-Vallespin, United Kingdom
  • David Norris, Netherlands
  • Pawel Olko, Poland
  • Massimiliano Pacilio, Italy
  • Katia Parodi, Germany
  • Liisa Porra, Finland
  • Madan Rehani, USA
  • Giorgio Russo, Italy
  • Serenella Russo, Italy
  • Elina Samara, Switzerland
  • Johan Sjöberg, Sweden
  • Lucie Sukupova, Czech Republic
  • Daniela Thorwarth, Germany
  • Michela Tosetti, Italy
  • Stefaan Vandenberghe, Belgium
  • Marie Vidal, France

Local Organizing Committee

  • Michele Stasi (chair)
  • Boris Augelli
  • Vittorio Cannatà
  • Carlo Cavedon
  • Stephane Chauvie
  • Carlo Chiesa
  • John Damilakis
  • Franco Fusi
  • Cesare Gori
  • Roberta Matheoud
  • Angelo Monti
  • Daniela Origgi
  • Massimo Pasquino
  • Francesco Pennanzio
  • Nando Romeo
  • Roberto Ropolo
  • Serenella Russo
  • Mara Severgnini
  • Luigi Spiazzi
  • Annalisa Trianni
  • Anna Vignati

Symposium srl

Via Gozzano 14, 10073 Ciriè (Torino) - Italy

Phone +390119211467 - Fax +390119224992



Download here the scientific programme.

Preliminary list of invited speakers and talk titles:

  • Jonas Andersson - Patient specific dosimetry in CT (AAPM-EFOMP TG-246)
  • Manuel Bardies - Dosimetry in nuclear medicine
  • Theocharis Berris - Practical machine learning for clinical scientists
  • Ronald Boellaard - Digital PET, Tracer kinetic modelling
  • Marco Brambilla - Cumulative radiation dose from medical imaging in chronic/recurrent patients or in a single episode of care
  • Nico Buls - Clinical applications of spectral imaging and dynamic CT
  • Harry Delis - EFOMP Cone beam CT protocol - a joint initiative between EFOMP, IAEA and ESTRO
  • Glenn Flux - State of the art in nuclear medicine Theranostics
  • Paolo Francescon - Challenges and opportunities of small field dosimetry in clinical practice
  • Gisella Gennaro - New technologies for mammography imaging
  • Ben Heijmen - Automated treatment planning - potentials and limitations
  • Victor Hernandez - Complexity metrics for RT plan QA
  • Brian Hutton - SPECT/CT
  • Laetitia Imbert - Adaptive CZT body SPECT
  • Maurice Janssen - Medical device integration with IT networks
  • Terry Jones - The first total body PET scanner (EXPLORER)
  • Nuria Jornet - Physics principles of SBRT
  • Marc Kachelriess - AI applications coming soon to a CT scanner near you
  • Bente Konst - Fluoroscopic imaging: Noise reduction versus introduction of lag - comparison between different vendors
  • Love Kull - Advanced measurement techniques for CT
  • Mark Lubberink - Correction and reconstruction algorithms
  • Jim Malone - Image and Reflections for Medica Physics: Artworks to Challenge and Inspire 
  • Anna Catrine Martinsen - Optimization of image quality for advanced CT acquisition
  • Cynthia McCollough - Photon counting detector CT
  • Hugo Palmans - New developments and detectors for small field dosimetry
  • Gian Luca Poli - IAEA human health campus and e-learning platform
  • Serenella Russo - Small field dosimetry for QA of stereotactic radiotherapy
  • Natalia Saltybaeva - Clinical dose reference levels for CT examinations
  • Elina Samara - Examples of practical and clinical consequences after implementing dose monitoring
  • Bernhard Sattler - PET/CT & PET/MR
  • Reinhard Schulte - New Technologies in Hadron Therapy
  • Carola van Pul - Medical alarm systems
  • Leonard Wee - Predicting radiotherapy outcomes using real-world clinical data

Pre-congress events (Wednesday, 16th June)

  • 11° Congresso Nazionale AIFM (AIFM National Congress - in Italian)
  • ESMPE course 1: Artificial Intelligence
  • ESMPE course 2: Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry
  • ESMPE course 3: Patient Specific QA in Radiotherapy

See here detailed information on the ESMPE courses

Download here the scientific programme of "Artificial Intelligence" Course

Download here the scientific programme of "Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry"

Download here the scientific programme of "Patient specific QA  in RT - When/How/Analysis" 

The ECMP congress programme will include selected oral communications and e-poster presentations on the following topics:

  1. Radiotherapy (RT)
  2. Diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine (NM)
  3. Diagnostic and interventional radiology (DR)
  4. Radiation protection and dosimetry (RP)
  5. Biomedical engineering (BE)
  6. Informatics (IT)
  7. Professional issues (PR)
  8. Education and training (ET)

Main rules:

  • Abstracts must be submitted, using the congress template, through the on-line congress submission system.
  • Abstracts will be reviewed by the ECMP 2020 Scientific Committee members.
  • Authors can indicate the most appropriate topic for their work as well as their preferred method of presentation. The ECMP Scientific Committee reserves the right to reassign the accepted paper to a more appropriate session and/or method of presentation.
  • For inclusion in the congress programme, at least one (co)author per abstract needs to be registered for the ECMP 2020.
  • Maximum of two submissions are allowed per person as the first author.

Abstract instructions:

  • All abstracts must be written in clear English with grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication and submitted in Word and PDF format, using the congress template (download at the bottom of this page).
  • Abstracts must include: title in bold letters; list of authors (first name, family name), presenting author must be underlined; authors' affiliations (institution and country). Use numerical superscripts after each name for different affiliations; contact details of the Corresponding Author (email); keywords (up to 5); abstract text (up to 400 words) structured under the following four subtitles: Purpose, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  • Use 12-point Times font. The styles available are bold, italic and underlined. Presentation of equations is allowed.
  • Do not include tables. If needed for a better understanding, a maximum of one figure can be included. Please consider that the abstract total length must not exceed one page including the figure.

More details on the abstract submission procedure can be obtained on the online submission form.




In case you wish to keep the abstract you already submitted no action is required from your side.

Your abstract submission will be carried forward to the congress new dates.



In order to withdraw your abstract, kindly send an email to 



In order to update the abstract you have previously sent, kindly upload the new version of your abstract on the online submission system 

and send an email to the Organizing Secretariat ( to inform that a new version of your abstract is on the online submission system

The older version will be discarded and not considered for review


Abstract submission opens: 24 September 2019

Abstract submission deadline: 10 February 2021  

The online submission system is closed


Did you miss the most exciting European event in medical physics?

Don’t worry, all ECMP 2021 content is still at your fingertips!

Post - Congress fees

Regular: € 100,00

Student/trainee**: € 60,00

Delegates under the age of 35 from low-income countries (see list*) : € 60,00

Industry: € 200,00

All fees include Italian 22% VAT.

Post-congress registrations will entitle to access to all ECMP 2021 content available on the official congress web platform ( until December 31, 2021.

* Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey and Ukraine.

** Students/trainees are requested to show evidence of their status by emailing their student certificate to

The Congress platform will be open until December 31, 2021.


Cancellation policy

  • There will be no penalty for registration cancellations received by May 15, 2021. The full amount paid minus a processing fee (20 Euros) and wire transfer or credit card costs will be refunded.
  • A cancellation fee of 50% of the full registration fee plus a processing fee (20 Euros) and wire transfer or credit card costs will be applied for cancellations received by May 31, 2021.
  • A cancellation fee of 75% of the full registration fee plus a processing fee (20 Euros) and wire transfer or credit card costs will be applied for cancellations received by June 9, 2021.
  • No refund will be issued for cancellations received less than 7 days before the first day of the congress.
  • All cancellations must be sent in writing via e-mail ( to the congress secretariat. Cancellation confirmation will be sent within one week.
  • The congress organising committee and secretariat are not responsible for problems beyond our control such as weather conditions, public order issues, strikes, etc. No refunds will be given in these situations. No reimbursement will be made for late arrival, unused services, unattended events or early departure from the congress.
  • The final decision on refunds rests with the congress organizers.
  • All refunds will be made within 30 days after the congress ending.
  • When you register for the congress, you will be confirming that you have reviewed and understood this congress registration refund policy.


All best endeavours will be made to present the congress programme as published. However, the congress Organizing Committee and the Secretariat reserve the right to alter or cancel, without prior notice, any arrangements, timetables, plans or other items relating directly or indirectly to the congress, for any cause beyond our reasonable control. The congress Organizing Committee and the Secretariat are not liable for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of such alteration.